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    यह नया AI टूल शिशुओं के रोने को अलग बता सकता है

    शोधकर्ताओं ने एक नया क्राय लैंग्वेज रिकॉग्निशन एल्गोरिथम तैयार किया है जो सामान्य वातावरण में सामान्य और असामान्य दोनों प्रकार के रो सिग्नलों के अर्थों को अलग कर सकता है।

    The first eight years of childhood are extremely important, especially the first three years. This is the foundation of future health, growth and development. Children learn faster at other times than at any other time. Babies and children learn quickly and quickly and develop faster, when they get good care of nutritious food and health along with love and attachment, meditation, promotions and mental stimulation. All children have the right to get protection from legal compensation, health care, good nutrition, education and loss of compensation, abuse and discrimination at the time of birth. It is the duty of parents and governments to ensure that these rights are being honored, protected and fulfilled or not.  Child Development and Early Learning Key Message -1 During the first eight years, and especially during the first three years, the care and attention of the child is very important and its impact falls on the whole life of the child.  In the early years, care and attention helps children to flourish. Pausing, adopting, and talking to children provokes their edge. As soon as the mother is hungry and she gets the milk of the mother, she works to fill the feeling of security in the child. Children need mother's milk for both nutrition and pleasure.  Both boys or girls have physical, emotional, mental and social needs of the same kind. Learning abilities are equal in both. The need for kindness, attention and increase are both.  Small children cry and tell their needs. When the child's crying will come in action, lifting it up and talking with pleasure will create an understanding of faith and security in it.  Children who lack blood, become malnourished, or suffer from frequent illness, they may easily get scared of fear and trouble compared to healthy children, and those who play them, explore or meet others. Will create lack of desire.  Such children need special attention and attention to eat and drink.  Children's feelings are true and powerful. If the children are unable to do something or who are unable to get the things they want, they can become frustrated. Children are often afraid of strangers or from darkness. The children who are laughing at the antics are punished; they can become shy and grown unable to keep their emotions normally. If the caregiver is endured and sympathetic towards the feelings of the children, then the chances of growing in a happy, secure and balanced way are more.  Physical punishment or violence can damage the child's development. Children who are punished in anger are more likely to be violent themselves. Obviously what children should do, concrete rules should not be done and good behavior, children are far more effective than creating a true and productive part of community and family.  Both the parents and other family members also need to be included in the care of the children. The father's role is particularly important. The father can make an effort to fulfill the child's needs of love, attachment and excitement to ensure that the child gets good education, good nutrition and his health is well cared for. The father can also ensure the safe and violence free environment. The father can also share hands in domestic work, especially when the mother is giving milk to the baby.  Child Development and Early Learning Key Message -2 As soon as they are born children begin learning faster. If they get complacency, attention and applause with the proper care of nutritious food and health they grow fast and learn quickly.  Sticking to yourself and feeding the mother to the baby within one hour of birth, helps in better growth and development of infants and establishes a special relationship with the mother.  Touching, listening, smelling, watching and tasting are the tools of learning which the child tries to test the world around him.  When children are talked, touched and hugged, and when they see familiar faces, listen to familiar voices, and keep things different, their brain grows faster. When they experience love and security from birth and when play continuously and mix with people of the family, they learn faster. Children experiencing safety are usually the best in school and they face difficulties of life easily.  On demand, only mother's milk for the first six months, beginning at the right time of getting safe and nutritious food at the age of six months, and consuming mother's milk for two years or more, provides nutrition and health benefits to the child. , As well as builds affection and relationships with carers.  The most important way of developing and learning for children is to socialize with others. The more you talk to the parents and the caregiver, the child will learn as fast as possible. Parents and caregivers should talk, read and sing before newborns and young children. Even if the children are not able to understand the word, this 'dialogue' develops their language and ability to learn.  Caregivers can help children learn and grow by giving new and interesting things to watch, hear, catch, and play.  Babies and young children should not be left alone for long. This slows down the pace of their physical and mental development.  Girls also need food, attention, affection and care as much as boys, as boys. All children need to be encouraged and appreciated when they learn or say something new.  If the physical or mental edge of the child is not being properly, then the parents need to seek advice from the health worker.  Teaching children in mother tongue first helps in developing their ability to think and express themselves. Children learn language quickly and easily through songs, nanny-grandmother's stories, poems and sports.  Children who have completed vaccination over time and who are getting enough nutrition, they increase the chances of survival and there is greater tendency for dissolving, playing, and learning. It will reduce the loss of the parents' income in the care of family expenditure on health, non-attendance of children and the care of a sick child due to illness.  Child Development and Early Learning Key Message -3 The encouragement given for play and research is to help children learn and develop social, emotional, physical and mental development in them.  Children play for happiness, but the game is also the key to learning and developing them. Play helps to shape the children's knowledge and experience and develop their curiosity and confidence.  Children learn things, compare the results, ask questions and face challenges. Develops skills to play, learn, think, plan, organize, and make decisions.  If the child is disabled, then the need for stimulation and sports is especially increased.  Girls and boys need equal opportunities to play and meet all members of the family. With father, it is helpful to build a strong relationship between both sports and friends.  The children of the family and the children who care for the children can help the children in learning by handing over minor tasks with clear instructions, by playing things to play and by suppressing the game, suggesting new activities. Keep a close eye on the child and look at their thoughts.  If a child with no help is insistent on doing any work, then those who take care of them need to work endurance. Children learn by trying till success. As long as the child is away from any danger, the hard-to-fight for new and difficult work is a good step for the development of the child.  All children need to play with different types of simple things according to the state of their development. The equally good things to play in water, sand, cardboard boxes, wood clots, utensils and lid are as much as toys purchased from the shop.  Children constantly develop and develop qualifications.  Child Development and Early Learning Key Message-4 How to deal with children? Children learn by imitating the behavior of their close people.  Looking at others and younger kids like them learn the behavior of social behavior. They learn which behavior is fine and which is not.  The example of older and elderly children has a major impact on the child's behavior and personality creation. Children learn by imitating others and not by telling others that do it. If you scream heavily and behave violently, then children will learn the same. If you treat others with goodness, respect and endurance, then the child will repeat it.  Children make excuses. It should be promoted, because excuse creates the imagination of children. It also helps children to understand and accept ways of behavior of other people.  Child Development and Early Learning Key Message-5 Parents and caregivers should know the signs of danger that indicate that the growth and development of children is stagnant.  Parents and caregivers need to know the important hindrances, which show that the child is developing normally. They also need to know when to help the physically or mentally challenged children, and how to give them an environment of care and love.  All children grow and grow in the same way, but each child has its own pace of development.  Observe how the child responds to the touch, sounds and scenes. Parents can identify problems related to development or disability. If the child is developing slowly, then parents and caregivers can help by spending extra time with the children, playing and talking to them, and massage the baby.  Even if the child is neutral in spite of being excited and drawn, then parents and carers need help from a trained health worker. To help complete development of the abilities of disabled children, initial initiatives are very important. Parents and carers need to be encouraged to develop the child's ability to grow as much as possible.  The boy or girl, who is suffering from disability, needs to be given more caution and take precautions. Like all children, children with disabilities need to be protected from birth registration, mother milk, vaccination, nutrition and abuse and violence immediately after birth or immediately after birth. Crippled children should be encouraged to play and mix with other children.  The child who is not happy or is surrounded by emotion and problems, its behavior can be non-minor. Suddenly non-friendly, unhappy, lazy, non-cooperative and mischievous, for example, often crying, becoming violent towards other children, instead of being alone with friends or taking an interest in everyday work or study. Decrease in hunger and sleep.  Parents should be encouraged to talk to children and listen to them. If the problem does not go away, seek help from a teacher or health worker.  If the child has a mental or emotional problem or has been mistreated with it, then he should be advised to save from the next difficulties.  The guidelines given gives parents information about how children develop. There is a difference in the growth of all children and their development. Slow progress can be normal or due to poor nutrition, poor health, lack of stimuli, or even more serious problems. Parents can wish to talk to a trained health worker or teacher about the progress of the child.  How baby develops  One month To be able to baby:  Head towards the cheeks or the face of the cheek Take both hands to the mouth Flip to familiar sounds and sounds Drink mother's milk and touch mother's breast with your hands Advice to parents and caregivers  Within one hour of birth, close to the mother and get mother's milk Support the head of the child while lifting it straight Massage baby and adopt it Always adopt a baby baby, even if you are tired and upset Repeat the child's mother's milk, at least four hours Talk to the child as possible, read in front of him and sing Meet the health worker with a newborn baby after six weeks of birth The following dangerous hints, which should be noted-  Refuse to drink or drink a mother's milk properly Short walk Pay attention to the loud voice or sharp lights or become neutral Cry without long reason Vomiting and diarrhea, which can cause water loss in the body  Up to six months Be able to baby  Lie down on the stomach and lift the head and chest Dangling things up Catch and shake things Move on both sides Siding Understand things with hands and mouth Start mimicking voice and face emotions Look after your name and familiar faces Advice to parents and caregivers  Put the child in a clean, flat and secure place so that he can roam freely and reach things. Take the baby to sit in such a way that he can see the movements around him Day after day or night, continue feeding your mother's milk on hunger and start giving meals; Twice a day for 6-8 months, three to four times for 8-12 months Talk to a child as much as possible, read or sing    The following dangerous signs, which should be addressed  Difficulty in stiffness or running in the legs Continuous movement of the head (It may be a symptom of ear-spreading disease and can lead to deafness if untreated) Pay attention to voices, familiar faces or mother's breasts or become completely neutralized Refuse mother's milk or other food  Up to 12 months Be able to baby  Without any support Stretch your hands and knees and get up Step by step Try to copy the words and sounds and look at the minor request Enjoy playing and clapping Repeat the sounds and actions to grab the attention of people Raise things with thumb and finger Start trying to catch things like spoon and cup and eat yourself Advice to parents and caregivers  Point things and take their names. Whenever you talk to the child and play with him Use food time to make friends with all members of the family If the child is slow to develop or has no physical inability, then emphasize his abilities and encourage him more and increase peace. Do not leave the child in the same condition for several hours To prevent any untowiness, make the child's place as secure as possible. Continue feeding the mother's milk and make sure that the child receives a lot of food and includes the various food items of the family Help the child in eating food with a spoon / cup Decide whether the child is immunized and given all the nutritious ingredients given to him. The following dangerous signs, which should be addressed  The child did not take any sound when he called Do not ignore shaking things The child is depressed and cared for the caregiver Do not feel hungry or eat a child  Up to two years Be able to baby  Walk, climb and run Point to things or pictures on the name (eg nose, eye, etc.) Speak many words together (about 15 months) Apply Minor Hits Draw lines from pencil or coal Enjoy simple stories and songs Duplicate the behavior of another Start eating food yourself Advice to parents and caregivers  Read, sing and play with the child in front of Learn to stay away from dangerous things Talk to your child in a common way, do not become a child yourself मां का दूध पिलाना जारी रखें और यह सुनिश्चित करें कि बच्चे को भरपूर भोजन मिले और उसमें परिवार में खाये जा रहे विभिन्न भोजन भी शामिल हों बच्चे को खाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें, लेकिन जोर न डालें सरल तौर-तरीके बतायें और जायज उम्मीद करें बच्चे की उपलब्धियों की तारीफ करें निम्न खतरनाक संकेत, जिन पर ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए  दूसरों से बेपरवाह रहे चलते हुए खुद को साधने में परेशानी महसूस करे (प्रशिक्षित स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता से मिलें) चोट लगे और व्यवहार में बेवजह बदलाव आये (खास तौर पर अगर बच्चे की देखभाल किसी दूसरे के जिम्मे है) भूख की कमी हो  तीन साल तक बच्चा करने में सक्षम हो  आसानी से चले, दौड़े, मारे और कूदे इशारा करने पर चीजों और तस्वीरों को समझे और उसकी पहचान करे दो या तीन शब्दों के वाक्य बनाये अपना नाम और अपनी उम्र बताये रंगों का नाम ले गिनती समझे चीजों को खेलने का जरिया बनाये खुद से भोजन करे लगाव जाहिर करे माता-पिता और देखभाल करनेवालों को सलाह  बच्चे के साथ किताब पढ़े और तस्वीरों पर बात करें बच्चे को कहानियां सुनायें और उसे कविताएं और गीत सिखायें बच्चे को भोजन के लिए उसकी थाली-कटोरी दें बच्चे को खाने के लिए बढ़ावा देना जारी रखें और बच्चे के मुताबिक भोजन के लिए उसे पूरा समय दें बच्चे को कपड़ा पहनने, हाथ धोने और शौचालय का इस्तेमाल सीखने में मदद करें निम्न खतरनाक संकेत, जिन पर ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए  खेल में दिलचस्पी न लेना बार-बार गिरना छोटी चीजों को साधने में दिक्कत होना मामूली बातों को न समझ पाना कई शब्दों को जोड़ कर बोलने में समर्थ न होना भोजन में कम दिलचस्पी या कोई दिलचस्पी न लेना  पांच साल तक बच्चा करने में सक्षम हो  चलने में तालमेल बनाये पूरा वाक्य बोले और कई शब्दों का इस्तेमाल करे एक-दूसरे से उलट चीजों को समझे ; जैसे- मोटा और पतला, लंबा और ठिगना दूसरे बच्चों के साथ खेले खुद से कपड़े पहने आसान सवालों का जवाब दे 5 से 10 चीजों की गिनती करे अपने हाथ साफ करें माता-पिता और पालनेवालों को सलाह  बच्चे को सुनें बच्चों के साथ अक्सर घुले-मिलें अगर बच्चा हकलाता है तो उसे और धीमी रफ्तार में बोलने की सलाह दें कहानियां पढ़े और सुनायें बच्चे को खेलने और छानबीन के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें निम्न खतरनाक संकेत, जिन पर ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए  खेल में बच्चों की भागीदारी पर गौर करें, अगर बच्चा डरा हुआ, गुस्से में या हिंसक है तो यह उसकी जज्बाती दिक्कतों या उसके साथ हुई बदसलूकी का लक्षण हो सकता है।
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    वाशिंगटन: वैज्ञानिकों ने एक नया कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता (एआई) आधारित उपकरण विकसित किया है जो शिशुओं और असामान्य लोगों के सामान्य रो संकेतों के बीच की पहचान और अंतर कर सकता है, जैसे कि एक अंतर्निहित बीमारी के परिणामस्वरूप।

    आईईईई / सीएए जर्नल ऑफ ऑटोमेका सिनिका (जेएएस) में वर्णित विधि, घर पर माता-पिता के साथ-साथ स्वास्थ्य सेवा सेटिंग्स में उपयोगी होने का वादा करती है, क्योंकि डॉक्टर इसका उपयोग बीमार बच्चों में रोने के लिए कर सकते हैं।

    अनुभवी स्वास्थ्य देखभाल कर्मी और अनुभवी माता-पिता बच्चे के रोने की आवाज़ों के आधार पर उसकी कई जरूरतों में सही-सही अंतर कर पाते हैं।

    जब प्रत्येक बच्चे का रोना अनोखा होता है, तो वे कुछ सामान्य विशेषताओं को साझा करते हैं, जब वे उसी कारणों से परिणाम देते हैं, अमेरिका में उत्तरी इलिनोइस विश्वविद्यालय के शोधकर्ताओं ने कहा।

    क्राय सिग्नल में छिपे हुए पैटर्न को पहचानना एक बड़ी चुनौती रही है, और एआई अनुप्रयोगों को अब इस संदर्भ में एक उपयुक्त समाधान दिखाया गया है।

    नए शोध में शिशु रोने की विशेषताओं का पता लगाने और उन्हें पहचानने के लिए स्वचालित भाषण मान्यता पर आधारित एक विशिष्ट एल्गोरिथ्म का उपयोग किया जाता है।

    उन संकेतों का विश्लेषण और वर्गीकरण करने के लिए, टीम ने बड़े डेटा को अधिक कुशलता से संसाधित करने के तरीके के रूप में संपीड़ित संवेदन का उपयोग किया।

    संपीड़ित संवेदन एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जो विरल डेटा के आधार पर एक सिग्नल को फिर से संगठित करती है और विशेष रूप से उपयोगी होती है जब शोर वातावरण में आवाज़ें रिकॉर्ड की जाती हैं, जो कि आमतौर पर शिशु रोता है।

    शोधकर्ताओं ने एक नया क्राय लैंग्वेज रिकॉग्निशन एल्गोरिथम तैयार किया है जो सामान्य वातावरण में सामान्य और असामान्य दोनों प्रकार के रो सिग्नलों के अर्थों को अलग कर सकता है।

    एल्गोरिथ्म व्यक्तिगत crier से स्वतंत्र है, जिसका अर्थ है कि इसका उपयोग व्यापक परिदृश्य में व्यावहारिक परिदृश्य में किया जा सकता है और विभिन्न रोने की विशेषताओं को पहचानने और वर्गीकृत करने के तरीके के रूप में और बेहतर तरीके से समझा जा सकता है कि बच्चे क्यों रो रहे हैं और रोना कितना जरूरी है।

    “एक विशेष भाषा की तरह, विभिन्न रो ध्वनियों में बहुत सारी स्वास्थ्य संबंधी जानकारी होती है। ध्वनि संकेतों के बीच अंतर वास्तव में जानकारी को ले जाता है, ”उत्तरी इलिनोइस विश्वविद्यालय के एक एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर लिचुआन लियू ने कहा।

    “ये अंतर रो संकेतों की विभिन्न विशेषताओं द्वारा दर्शाए जाते हैं। जानकारी को पहचानने और उसका लाभ उठाने के लिए, हमें सुविधाओं को निकालना होगा और फिर उसमें जानकारी प्राप्त करनी होगी, ”लियू ने कहा।

    शोधकर्ताओं को उम्मीद है कि उनके अध्ययन के निष्कर्ष कई अन्य चिकित्सा देखभाल परिस्थितियों पर लागू हो सकते हैं जिसमें निर्णय लेना अनुभव पर बहुत निर्भर करता है।

    "अंतिम लक्ष्य स्वस्थ बच्चे हैं और माता-पिता और देखभाल करने वालों पर कम दबाव है," लियू ने कहा।


    यह कहानी पाठ के संशोधनों के बिना एक वायर एजेंसी फीड से प्रकाशित हुई है। केवल हेडलाइन को बदला गया है।

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