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    See complete results and 759 names of successful candidates: UPSC Result 2018

    See complete results and 759 names of successful candidates: UPSC Result 2018

    UPSC Result 2018: UPSC Civil Services Examination 2018 has declared the final result. Final Merit has been released on the basis of performance in the main exam held in September-October, 2018 and in the interview held in February-March, 2019. This time around 759 candidates have been selected. These include 361 of General category, 209 of OBC, 128 of SC and 61 ST, candidates. Kanishka Kataria has secured first place in the examination. Akshat Jain is in second place and Junaid Ahmed is in third place. Candidates can view their results by going to www.upsc.gov.in UPSC candidates will be issued within 15 days of the announcement of Marx results.

    See complete results and 759 names of successful candidates: UPSC Result 2018
    See complete results and 759 names of successful candidates: UPSC Result 2018
    180 for IAS, 30 for IFS, 150 for IPS, 384 for Central Services Group A and 68 candidates for Group B services has been selected. In the women, Srishti Jayant Deshmukh got first place. Overall rank of the universe was fifth. The top 25 candidates are 15 men, 10 women.

    If any candidate is connected to these results and wants to get more information so that he can come to the UPSC office personally from 10 am to 5 pm or can get information by calling 23385271/23381125/23098543. Marks will be released within 15 days of the result.


    These are the list of toppers

    1. Kanishka Kataria
    2. Akshat Jain
    3. Junaid Ahmed
    4. Shravan Kumat
    5. Srishti Jayant Deshmukh
    6. Shubham Gupta
    7. Karnati Varunardhey
    8. Vaishali Singh
    9. Gunjan Dwivedi
    10. Tanmay Vashisht Sharma

    UPSC will also get jobs at Civil Services Examination Interview

    There is good news for the candidates passing the competitive examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the candidates who reach the interview. UPSC Chairman Arvind Saxena had given the proposal to the Government of India in the past that the candidates who reach the interview after passing the administrative service or other competitive examinations can be appointed as per the requirement in government ministries.

    According to the report, if the government accepts UPSC's proposal then those people can get a job, which will be missed during the interview in competitive examinations. UPSC recommends that as the candidates already undergo a strict screening process, the government and other organizations may consider them for jobs. It has been said that UPSC will help in reducing the stress of the examination for civil service candidates.

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