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    Uttar Pradesh Govt Launches 'Jansunwai' Portal

    Jansunwai Stranded Migrant Workers Registration Facility Launched by Uttar Pradesh Government

    People who want to come to Uttar Pradesh or want to return to their native place from the state can use the portal.

    Jansunwai Stranded Migrant Workers Registration Facility Launched by Uttar Pradesh Government

    During COVID-19 pandemic, the government of Uttar Pradesh has launched an online registration facility for migrant workers from Uttar Pradesh who want to return to the state and for those who are in the state and want to return to their native places. The service has been started on Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai portal jansunwai.up.nic.in for the return of stranded migrant workers. It will help in facilitating the movement of migrant workers who wish to return to their native places and are stranded due to the coronavirus lockdown.

    Migrant workers can use the Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai portal website to register themselves. Two links have been given on the home page of the portal, one for those who wish to come to Uttar Pradesh and second who wish to travel to other states from the state. Apart from the home page, the links can also be found on the top bar of the website, under the heading 'Migrant registration'.

    The migrant workers can go to the website and register themselves using an OTP received on their mobile number. They will have to give some information about their registration. The government will make plans for their return. The government has said that registration will not be deemed as permission for travel.

    How to register

    For their registration, a person will have to go to Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai Portal jansunwai.up.nic.in and click on one of the links for the migrant workers given on the home page for their registration. Their choice will be based on whether they want to travel outside of Uttar Pradesh or whether they want to return to the state. After that, their mobile number or email id will be asked where they will receive an OTP. After confirmation of their OTP, the person will have to fill in details like name, age, sex, mobile number, ID card type, ID number, whether want to travel with family, mode of travel, any symptoms of COVID-19 or not, present address, and the address where the person wants to reach.

    The applicants will also have to agree that they may be put under quarantine for two weeks after they reach their destination. The government has also warned that the people should fill only correct information otherwise action can be against them under the Disaster Management Act.

    The Uttar Pradesh Jansunwai Portal is meant for the online grievance redressal of the people of Uttar Pradesh. Here, people mention their or locality's issues with the government and seek their solution. The Uttar Pradesh government has used this portal to facilitate the registration of migrant workers that will help it better plan the movement of the people.

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